A Sovereign’s Enthronement at Prescot
On Tuesday 2 April the members of Prescot Conclave gathered for a very special meeting, to Enthrone a new Sovereign: John Roughley, and to Consecrate a new Viceroy: Michael Southern, both of whom would be enjoying their first tour of duty in their respective offices. Adding to the lustre of the occasion was the presence of our Intendent General Graham Williams, his Deputy Stephen Gregory, Divisional Eusebius William Bruce and a full complement of Divisional Officers.
The Right Illustrious Intendent General, sporting his new gown of office
Divisional Eusebius William (Bill) Bruce
After a busy hour of rehearsals for the Divisional team the Conclave was opened on time in solemn form by the Most Puissant Sovereign Raymond Stones. After the administrative business was dispensed with the Intendent General and his officers was processed into the Conclave under the direction of the Divisional Marshal, Darren Brown. Following the procession the Intendent General took the Sovereign’s Chair for a brief period to introduce the Divisional team and to give his best wishes to the members of Prescot Conclave for an enjoyable meeting.
Salutations were duly accorded and responded to, including to the Deputy Marshal Raymond Pye as the senior officer of Grand Imperial Conclave, who as the former Divisional Marshal is more accustomed to giving than receiving!
The Conclave then settled down to the main business of the evening. Under the direction of the Conclave Marshal and his Assistant the Viceroy, Eminent Knight John Roughley, was presented and obligated in most solemn form. The Conclave Junior General, Worthy Knight Michael Southern, was subsequently presented and obligated with equal solemnity, including being processed around the Conclave with a burning censer courtesy of the Conclave (and Divisional) High Prelate Gratten Williams.
Worthy Knights were then invited to withdraw while the Inner Workings were proceeded with, which your correspondent is assured were conducted in a most exemplary manner! Following the Consecration and Enthronement ceremonies the new MPS and Viceroy were accorded due salutations by all the Knights present. The Officers of the Conclave were then appointed and invested, many of whom were staying in post for a further year.
The formalities having been appropriately concluded and the Conclave closed all present settled down to an three course meal of spring rolls, lamb and cheesecake, which was very much in keeping with the high standard usually provided by the Prescot caterer.
Members of the Sepulchre Guard at refreshment!
The Intendent General R.Ill.Kt. Graham Williams with
P.Kt. John Roughley, new Sovereign of Prescot Conclave
In response to the toast to his health the Intendent General made particular reference to the Tripartite meeting which takes place once every two years between the divisions of West Lancashire, North & East Lancashire, and Cumbria. At this meeting a KHS ceremony is worked with each division providing a representative candidate and working one of the three points. This year’s meeting will be held in Carlisle on the 20th of July, with West Lancashire working the second point of the ceremony (any Knights wishing to be involved with the Divisional team working the ceremony are encouraged to contact the Deputy Intendent General!) He also congratulated  the new Sovereign and wished him a happy year in office, extending those good wishes to the installing Sovereign, the new Viceroy and all the Knights of Prescot Conclave.
The Intendent General in full oratorical flow
Following the Sentinel’s Toast the Knights dispersed into a typically damp Lancashire night to make their way home following an excellent evening of Christian Masonry.
Words and pictures by W.Kt John Askew, Sepulchre Guard